CrossNomads is an innovative networking company whose mission is to assist in developing your key talent. We offer a variety of services which help individuals and organizations to succeed in the challenging global business environment.
Our extensive global network enables us to match and connect you with professionals across the world.
The coaches must be fully aware of the customer’s personal goals and future prospects, since successful coaching inevitably also increases the career capital of the expatriate coachee.
Read more about my PhD in an article published by ScanMagazine HERE

Sydneyn yliopiston coachingtutkimuksen pioneeri, tohtori Grant ottaa artikkelissaan ‘tiukasti kantaa siihen, onko neurotieteiden ja coachingin välisestä yhteydestä tieteellistä näyttöä tai, että ‘neurocoaching’ olisi ainutlaatuinen ja uusi coachingin menetelmä.
Although the terms ‘coaching culture’ and Global Talent Management have been used and understood in different ways, coaching has become a vital tool within organizations for overall employee development. A robust ‘coaching culture’ has been linked with increasing employee engagement and retention and as well as with better financial performance.
Coachingia on ryhdytty tutkimaan viimeisten vuosien kuluessa yhä enemmän kansainvälisestä näkökulmasta ja on esitetty, että coaching on nykyään globaali ilmiö, joka seuraa kansainvälisten fuusioiden, monikansallisten organisaatioiden ja työn liikkuvuuden synnyttämiä tarpeita.
A warm welcome to my blog and the new website of! I am hoping to make this an interactive place where we can share some insights, best practices and much more concerning one of the most valuable assets we have: people. This blog has a clear purpose: to discuss the most recent ideas from fast evolving coaching research and practice.