Choosing and working with a Mentor Coach is an important step in your on-going development as a coach, so be sure you choose a professionally qualified Mentor who matches your needs.
“Providing professional assistance in achieving and demonstrating the level of coaching competency demanded by the desired credential level sought by a coach-applicant”
The focus of mentor coaching should be on your coaching skills rather than life balance, or any other topics. According the current ICF policy, a Mentor Coach is ICF credentialed at the same or higher level than the applicant seeking a credential, and should not be subject to any sanctions from the ICF independent Review Board for violations of ethical conduct.
Mentor coaching may include any or all the following three elements:
1. Professional skill competency development (a professionally trained, more experienced coach observes actual coaching sessions and provides feedback and supports with specific client issues and challenges, for the purpose of doing the best job)
2. Personal development (a process whereby the mentee evolves from an emphasis on external authority and skills to being self aware, responsible and masterful in relating to self and others)
3. Professional/Business development (if desired)
If you want to organize a Mentor Coaching Group of your own, please note that no more than 70 % out of the 10 required mentoring hours (= 7 hours) can come from Group Coaching. Additionally, the group being mentored may not consist of more than 10 participants. Since Mentor Coaching prepairs you to the ICF examination, it is recommended that you would have completed a) your coach training, and b) the required coaching hours. The ICF and the Association of Coach Training Organizations, ACTO, have designed the following requirements for being a Mentor Coach.
- Engage in on-going continuing education and establish and maintain generative thinking partnerships related to the evolution of a coaching competency
- Demonstrate professional Competency in coaching skill development, (through training or teaching the core coaching skills, moderating/demonstrating coaching skills, work as an assessor of coaching skills competency, demonstrated ability to give supportive developmental feedback)
- Demonstrate professional competency in the delivery of coaching services (track record of delivering coaching services, and have coached at least 25-non-coach clients as a part of the delivery of coaching services)
- Agree and adhere to the ICF Code of Ethics
Interested? Contact us for further information!
SEE WHAT ICF RECOMMENDS - The next video contains information on mentoring requirements when applying for an ICF Credential, an overview of the mentoring process, and tips to keep in mind when selecting a Mentor Coach.